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David Zweig


IEMS Research Areas

Areas of Expertise

China's Talent Migration , Foreign Economic Policy and Energy Policy

Short Bio

He is Director, Center on China’s Transnational Relations, Vice President, Center on China and Globalization, Beijing, and Honorary Vice Dean, South China International Talent Institute, Guangzhou. His recent grants include: “Has Technology Transfer remained a driver of China's reverse migration?” PI, General Research Fund, RGC (HK), Grant number 16600617 (2017-2020), and “Coming Home: Reverse Migration of Entrepreneurs and Academics in India and Turkey in Light of the Chinese Experience,” PI, General Research Fund, RGC (HK), Grant no. 16602115 (2015-18).

He also received the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship, Research Grants Council of HK, 2013-2014. In June 2012, Zweig gave then Politburo member and Director of the Organization Department of the CCP, Li Yuanchao, a report on problems in the 1000 Talent’s Program which Li established. On 27 July 2017, he co-hosted a consultation, entitled “Creating an Enabling Ecosystem for Returnee Entrepreneurs,” with the Federation of Indian Chamers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi. He has two popular MOOCs, "Part 1, Chinese domestic politics" at, and "Part 2, China and the World," His areas of expertise include China’s Resource Diplomacy, Returnees to China and China’s New Diaspora, and Hong Kong-Mainland Relations.

Selected Papers and Publications

  • Co-editor and author of five chapters in Sino-U.S. Energy Triangles: Resource Diplomacy under Hegemony, David Zweig and Hao Yufan, eds. (Routledge: published in paper in 2016).
  • Internationalizing China: Domestic Interests and Global Linkages (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Series in Political Economy, Cornell University Press, 2002).
  • “Rewards of Technology: Explaining China’s Reverse Migration,” (with Chung Siu Fung, and Wilfried Vanhonacker), Journal of International Migration and Integration, Volume 7, No. 4 (Fall 2006): 449-71.
  • “Resource Diplomacy” Under Hegemony: The Triangular Nature of Sino-U.S Energy Relations,” in David Zweig and Hao Yufan, eds., Sino-U.S. Energy Triangles: Resource Diplomacy under Hegemony (London: Routledge, 2016).
  • “Redefining the ‘Brain Drain’: China’s Diaspora Option,” with Chung Siu-Fung and Han Donglin, Science, Technology and Society, Vol.13, No.1 (2008): 1-33.
  • “China’s Global Hunt for Energy,” Foreign Affairs (with Bi Jianhai), Vol. 84, No. 5 (September-October 2005): 25-38.
  • “Overseas Students, Returnees and the Diffusion of International Norms into Post-Mao China,” with Feng Yang, International Studies Review, 16 (Fall 2014): 252-63.
  • “Can China Bring Back the Best? The Communist Party Organizes China’s Search for Talent,” with Huiyao Wang, The China Quarterly, no. 215 (September 2103): 590-615.
  • “Educating a New Generation of Students: Transferring Knowledge and Norms from Hong Kong to the Mainland,” with Liu Mei-hua, China Perspectives, 1 (2013): 73-86
  • “Hong Kong's Contribution to Mainland China's Property Sector: Helping to Turn Shanghai into a World City,” with Liu Mei-hua, Asian Survey, vol. 51, no. 4 (July 2011):  739-68.