2358 7820

Franziska Barbara KELLER


IEMS Research Areas

Areas of Expertise

Political science, Social network, Authoritarian regimes, Social media, Elite politics


Franziska Keller has received her PhD from New York University in 2015, and has spent time as a Postdoctoral fellow at the Columbia University’s Harriman Institute and UC San Diego's School of Global Policy & Strategy. Her research aims to understand the inner workings of authoritarian regimes, and the role of relations among political elites in undermining or maintaining regime stability. She has examined patronage networks in countries spanning from China to Kazakhstan and Georgia, using a variety of social network analysis techniques.

She also studies social media, in particular hidden propaganda (so-called astroturfing) campaigns on twitter. Her research has appeared in the Journal of East Asian Studies and in the proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media. She has also published a Social Network Analysis textbook and contributed to the Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites.

Selected Papers

  • How to Manipulate Social Media: Analyzing Political Astroturfing Using Ground Truth Data from South Korea, in Proceedings of the 11th International Association of the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference on Web and Social Media – ICWSM 2017 (with Sebastian Stier, David Schoch, and JungHwan Yang)
  • Moving Beyond Factions: Using Social Network Analysis to Uncover Patronage Networks Among Chinese Elites, in Journal of East Asian Studies, 2016, 16:1, 17-41.
  • Social Network Analysis: Methods and Examples, 2017, SAGE Publications (with Song Yang and Lu Zheng).
  • Analyses of Elite Networks in Heinrich Best, Maurizio Cotta, Jean-Pascal Daloz, John Higley, Ursula Hoffmann Lange, Jan Pakulski, Elena Semenova (editors): The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites, 2018, Palgrave Macmillan UK.