Network on Jobs and Development


HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies is a members of the Network on Jobs and Development (NJD) partnership supported by the World Bank’s Development Grant Facility (DGF). The NJD was established to pursue a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach to the global jobs agenda during the period 2013-16.

The objective of the program is to contribute to the creation of multi-sector, multi-disciplinary solutions to the jobs challenges around the world based on research and empirical evidence from programs on the ground by:

  • Building a vibrant and engaging community of practice on jobs.
  • Fostering dialogue among policymakers, academia, private sector, labor unions, development practitioners, and others on the need to tackle the jobs challenge from a multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary perspective.
  • Strengthening capacities, developing tools and sharing lessons learned among DGF partners and provide solutions to enhance the global dialogue on the jobs agenda.

The NJD Initiative recognizes employment generation as a critical condition for raising living standards, achieving poverty reduction, and the role of globalization in improving labour working conditions. It supports the extension of the benefits of growth and good jobs to lagging regions within countries and emphasizes the role of employment and skills in driving economic growth. This will help facilitate the identification and dissemination of best practices and innovations on job creation.

HKUST IEMS is one of the 5 partners of the network. Our partners include:

while the World Bank Jobs group is our counterpart at the World Bank.

Contact at HKUST IEMS:

Major Conferences

The Jobs and Development Conference was held in Washington DC in 2016 and 2019, and Bogota, Columbia in 2018

Research Papers

Here is a list of research paper including working papers produced by HKUST IEMS for the Network:

  1. Li Han (HKUST): Can Conditional Grants Attract Better Students: Evidence from Chinese Normal Universities  
  2. Xiaogang Wu (HKUST) Registration Status, Occupational Segregation, and Rural Migrants in Urban China (published version: Zhang, Z., & Wu, X. (2017). Occupational segregation and earnings inequality: Rural migrants and local workers in urban China.Social Science

    Research, 61, 57-74.)

  3. Barry Sautman (HKUST): Localization of Chinese Investments in Africa [content is now part of a book manuscript titled “Localization with Chinese Characteristics: Investments in Africa and Beyond”]
  4. Christopher Pissarides, Rachel Ngai, Jin Wang (HKUST):  China’s mobility barriers and employment allocations
  5. Hong Cheng (Wuhan University), Yang Du (Chinese Academy of Social Science), Hongbin Li (Stanford University), Albert Park (HKUST): How are Chinese Manufacturing Firms Coping with Rising Labor Costs?
  6. Naubahar Sharif, Huang Yu (HKUST): From ‘Labour Dividend’ to ‘Robot Dividend’: Technological Change and Labour Power in South China  (paper accepted for publication that will be in print in August 2017: Huang Yu and Naubahar Sharif. From ‘Labour Dividend’ to ‘Robot Dividend’: Technological Change and Labour Power in South China. Agrarian South 6, no.2 (2017).)
  7. John Giles (World Bank), Albert Park (HKUST), Yang Du (Chinese Academy of Social Science): Labor Regulation and Manufacturing Employment in China
  8. *Xiaogang Wu (HKUST): Field of Study and Gender Difference in Early Occupational Attainment among Chinese College Graduates (expected to be completed in July 2017)
  9. Yang Du (Chinese Academy of Social Science); Albert Park (HKUST): Changing Demand for Tasks and Skills in China [this paper became a background paper for a forthcoming report by the World Bank and the Development Research Center under the State Council on New Drivers of Growth in China]
  10. Albert Park (HKSUT), Li Tang (Wuhan University), Cheng Hong (Wuhan University): Effects of Labor Unions on the Labor Market in China: New Evidence from the China Employer-Employee Survey
  11. Christina Jenq (HKUST), Albert Park (HKUST): The Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from the China Employer-Employee Survey
  12. Naubahar Sharif (HKUST): Upgrading the “Workshop of the World”: Incentives for and Barriers to Industrial Automation in Dongguan, China (paper submitted to a STS journal entitled “Science, Technology and Human Values” (journal impact factor: 2.402)
  13. David Zweig (HKUST), Siqin Kang (HKUST), Wang Huiyao (CCG): The best are yet to come: State Programs, Domestic Resistance and Reverse Migration of High-Level Talent to China; and Returning to China to get a job: Are Chinese “Sea Turtles” Becoming “Seaweed?”

Policy Briefs

Here is a list of policy brief produced by HKUST IEMS for the Network:

  1. Albert Park (HKUST): Towards an Inclusive Labor Market in China
  2. Albert Park and Qing Xia (HKUST): How do Minimum Wage Policies Affect Workers in Emerging Markets?
  3. Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong (HKUST, PolyU): Localizing Chinese Enterprises in Africa: from Myths to Policies 
  4. Xiaogang Wu, Zhuoni Zhang (HKUST, CityU): Wage Discrimination in Urban China: How Hukou status affects migrant pay
  5. Christina Jenq (HKUST): The Employment Gender Gap in Urban China: Why Women Benefited Less from China’s Privatisation Reforms
  6. Albert Park (HKUST): Can Chinese Manufacturing Firms Copy with Rising Labor Costs?
  7. Naubahar Sharif (HKUST): Upgrading the Workshop of the World: Can Automation Spur Economic Development in China?
  8. Christina Jenq (HKUST): What Can or Can’t Explain China’s Large Gender Wage Gap?

Videos Blogs

Here is a list of video blogs produced by HKUST IEMS for the Network:

  1. Robert Willies (University of Michigan):  Tapping Aging Brains for the Common Good
  2. David Neumark, John Addison (UC Irvine, University of South Caroline): Demystifying the Impact of Minimum Wages
  3. David Neumark, John Addison (UC Irvine, University of South Caroline): Devising Minimum Wages in Emerging Markets
  4. Shi Li (Beijing Normal University): How China is Faring with Minimum Wages
  5.  Mark Rosenzweig (Yale University): Women’s comparative advantage: the Chinese context
  6.  Hongbin Li (Tsinghua University): College education still makes a huge difference for Chinese workers
  7.  Albert Park (HKUST): Looking at the impact of changes to Chinese labor laws
  8. Shuaizhang Feng (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics): The reality behind Chinese unemployment data
  9. Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University): When job contracts prevent productivity gains from new technology
  10. Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State University): Outsourcing, technology, globalization and jobs
  11. Barry Sautman (HKUST): Chinese firms and employment of local workers in Africa
  12. Rachel Ngai (HKUST): Economic Case for Migrant Workers’ Access to Social Benefits in China
  13. Roberto Samaniego (George Washington University): The Link Between High-skill Employment and High-tech Capital Goods
  14. Joseph Kaboski (University of Notre Dame): Growth in the Service Sector
  15. Xiaodong Zhu (University of Toronto): Revoking the Hukou system can boost Chinese GDP by 23%
  16. Meng Xin (Australian National University): Labors Shortage in China
  17. Gary Fields (IRL School, Cornell University): Employment Policy in Emerging Markets
  18. *Jackie Wahba (University of Southampton): Upward or Downward: Occupational Mobility and Return Migration
  19. *Vijaya Ramachandran (Center for Global Development): How do we measure jobs better?
  20. *Sergio Urzua (University of Maryland): Skills and Inequality in Latin America
  21. *Aly Mbaye (University of Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar): Informality: Engine of Structural Transformation? The Case of Francophone Africa
  22. *Rajat Kathuria (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi): India’s Jobs Challenge
  23. Xiaogang Wu (CASER, HKUST): Are Rural Migrants Discriminated Against in China?
  24. Prof Sir Christopher Pissarides (London School of Economics; HKUST): Youth Unemployment in Europe
  25. Marlon Seror (Paris School of Economics; Ecole Normale Supérieure): Rural Migrants and Urban Wages in China
  26. *Tim Gindling (University of Maryland): Alternatives Strategies for Promoting Compliance 
  27. *Piotr Lewandowski (Institute for Structural Research): Compliance with minimum wage laws in Central and Eastern European countries
  28. Klaus Zimmermann (Princeton University and UNU-MERIT): Solutions and Challenges of Refugee Crisis in Europe
  29. *John Giles (World Bank): China’s Aging Population and Workforce Problems
  30. *Xiaobo Zhang (Peking University and IFPRI): Job Creation and Industrial Clusters in China
  31. Richard Freeman (Harvard): Ownership of Robots to Alleviate Impact on Jobs and Employment by Automation

 Remarks: Videoblogs marked with * are co-produced by HKUST IEMS and DPRU

Virtual Events (Google Hangouts and Facebook live)

Here is a list of virtual events produced by HKUST IEMS for the Network:

  1. [Google Hangout] Extending Working Lives of Older Workers in Emerging Markets
  2. [Google Hangout] Minimum Wages as an Instrument to Reduce Inequality in Emerging Markets 
  3. [Google Hangout] CHINA IN AFRICA: China’s Impact on African Employment
  4. [Google Hangout] Making Vocational Education Work in Emerging Markets
  5. [Facebook Live] Work and Income in the Age of AI & Robots

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