Jobs and Development Conference 2019


Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard) et al
6 June - 7 February 2019 (Hong Kong time, GMT +8)
Washington DC

Following the success of the 2016 and 2018 Jobs and Development Conferences in Washington DC and Bogotá, the World Bank  in collaboration with IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) and the Network on Jobs and Development are organizing a follow up conference focused on “Improving Jobs Outcomes in Developing Countries.

The call for papers has been concluded on 15 January 2019.  



Please refer to the conference's official website


The conference will feature these two keynote speakers:

JUNE 6, 2 PM

Daron Acemoglu (MIT): “Productivity, Work and Wages: Lessons for Developed and Developing Economies”

JUNE 7, 11 AM

Ricardo Hausmann (Harvard University): “Growth Diagnostics and Jobs”



IZA – Institute of Labor Economics – Gary Fields and Ahmed Elsayed
The World Bank – Ian Walker and Yolaina Montoya
The Network on Jobs and Development (NJD)  – Albert Park and Piotr Lewandowski



The Jobs and Development Conference was held in Washington DC in 2016, and Bogota, Columbia in 2018

Find out more about IEMS' role in the Network on Jobs and Development here.




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