IEMS Newsletter Spring 2018

HKUST IEMS Newsletters No. 9


In the second half of 2017, HKUST IEMS organized a full schedule of academic seminars and policy talks, and published five new Thought Leadership Briefs covering a range of important topics including: the effect of corporate taxes on innovation, issues facing the financing of China’s Belt and Road initiative, China’s national expressways and the environment, FinTech in China and social mobility change for young consumers.

A highlight of the fall semester was the first report from the “China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES)” which revealed the challenges facing Chinese manufacturers and workers, and provided recommendations for policy makers and business leaders to “truly understand what drives and hinders the growth of China from ground up, so that they can make better evidence-based decisions.” The survey, jointly initiated by researchers from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Stanford University, Wuhan University, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is one of the most comprehensive surveys of its type in China and surveyed more than 1200 companies and 11300 employees in the Guangdong and Hubei provinces in 2015 and 2016. Other IEMS events addressed the balance between development and environmental quality in emerging markets, the effectiveness of poverty reduction strategies in China and Africa, and the challenges and opportunities of private equity investment in emerging markets.


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