9226 0253

Joon Nak Choi


IEMS Research Areas


Asian Regional Integration, World Cities, Automation and Machine Learning, Business Strategy and Consulting


Joon Nak CHOI (JC) holds academic appointments as Advisor to the MSc in Business Analytics and Adjunct Assistant Professor at HKUST Business School, and as Faculty Associate at the Institute for Emerging Market Studies at HKUST; he has also held visiting professorships at Stanford University and NYU Shanghai. He has worked in the private sector as a management consultant and an entrepreneur, having founded data science startups Zectr and Learnovate in Hong Kong. His work has been cited in the MIT Technology Review, the South China Morning Post, Sina.com, and the United Nations; his editorials have been published in some of the most widely read newspapers in Asia, including the South China Morning Post and the Maeil Kyungjae Daily.


  • Gi-Wook Shin and Joon Nak Choi. 2015. “Global Talent: Skilled Labor as Social Capital in Korea”. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Choi, Joon Nak, Myung-koo Kang and Gi-Wook Shin. 2014. “Democratic Transition and Intra-Party Politics: The Distribution of Key Party Positions in Democratizing South Korea.” The Journal of Korean Studies 19(1), Spring 2014.
  • Shin, Gi-Wook and Joon Nak Choi. 2012. “Economic Globalization and Expatriate Labor in Korea.” In South Korea and the Global Economy in Transition: Selected Working Papers. Ed. Byongwon Bahk and Gi-Wook Shin. Stanford, CA: The Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University, pp. 123-146.
  • Shin, Gi-Wook and Joon Nak Choi. 2008. “Paradox or Paradigm: Making Sense of Korean Globalization.” In The Globalization of Korea. Ed. Yunsik Chang. Routledge.
  • Gi-Wook Shin and Joon Nak Choi. 2015. "Global Talent: Skilled Labor as Social Capital in Korea." Stanford University Press.
  • Choi, Joon Nak, Yong Suk Lee, and Gi-Wook Shin. Forthcoming. "Strategic, Policy and Social Innovations for a Post-Industrial Korea: Beyond the Miracle." Routledge.