(852) 5300 4009
Rm 2027, Lo Ka Chung Building

Yaeeun Han


IEMS Research Areas

Areas of Expertise

Behavior change communication, Infant and child feeding practices, Epidemiology, Gender

Short Bio

I am a public health nutritionist working on social and behavioral challenges related to reducing chronic malnutrition during the critical first 1,000 days of life in resource limited settings. The focus of my PhD training is on nutrition and epidemiology. I conduct primary data collection as well as secondary data analysis. Specifically, I employ field experiments, develop survey instruments, and analyze both primary data and existing datasets. For example, I have implemented a large-scale randomized control trial (RCT) in Ethiopia as part of my PhD thesis. I have also led a primary data collection of biomarkers and 24-hour dietary intake modules and data analysis of long-term cohort studies in Malawi. Although my study mostly focuses on quantitative research, I also have the skills to conduct qualitative research that could be complementary to quantitative studies. Lastly, I have extensive grant writing experiences.