Report on Geo-Economics of the Eurasian Heartland

HKUST IEMS Reports No. 2017-01


Published by SKOLKO Institute for Emerging Market Studies (SKOLKOVO IEMS) in collaboration with HKUST IEMS and supported by EY, the report provides an insight into the geopolitical context of the region influenced by the neighbor and international powers. It also analyses internal dynamics of the region with the special emphasis on the growing security concerns, promising political transition and demographic trends. Finally, it addresses one of the major impediments to the economic growth and social development of the region – an infrastructure gap. It is useful for regional stakeholders, institutions, and businesses that are interested in opportunities in Eurasia.

Learn more about the report and download a PDF version here:  Geo-economics of the Eurasian Heartland, or visit the SKOKOLVO IEMS webpage

See also Report on Chinese Grand Strategy in the Eurasian Heartland. Belt and Road Initiative in Russia, Belarus, Central Asia and the Caucasus, published later in June 2019. 


This research is supported by the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme from the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR Government.  More >> 

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