HKUST IEMS Thought Leadership Brief No. 68
Since 2013, China’s ‘‘Belt and Road Initiative’’ (BRI) has grown in number and become increasingly global in scope. Despite these trends, international business (IB) research on the BRI remains limited. To call upon IB scholars to adopt a policy turn in their study of the BRI, ‘‘with the purpose of advancing IB theory, contributing to important debates with scholars in allied social sciences, as well as helping to resolve these difficult challenges our generation is currently facing’’ (Buckley et al, 2017: 1046), we issued a call for papers at the Journal of International Business Policy to reflect on the nature and scope of the BRI and how it influences IB policy.
Prof. J.T. Li is Chair Professor of Management, Lee Quo Wei Professor of Business, and Director of Center for Business Strategy and Innovation, and Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) Senior Fellow, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prof. Li is an elected Fellow of of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and an Editor of the Journal of International Business Studies, responsible for research related to strategy and policy in emerging economies. Prof. Li is an expert on global business strategy. His current research interests are in the areas of organizational learning, strategic alliances, corporate governance, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on issues related to global firms and those from emerging economies.
Li, J., Van Assche, A., Fu, X., Li, L., & Qian, G., 2022. “The Belt Road Initiative and International Business Policy: A Kaleidoscopic Perspective.” Journal of International Business Policy, Vol 5 (2): 135–151.
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