The HKUST IEMS Research Grants are intended to support high-quality research that provides valuable insights into the challenges facing businesses and governments in emerging markets.
The deadline for proposals is noon on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Decisions will be announced sometime in May 2017. The maximum project length for each grant winner is 2 years, starting no later than September 2017. No extensions will be granted. Consideration of new proposals will take into account the timeliness of completion of earlier funded projects.
Applications from all HKUST faculty and research staff are welcome. Priority will be given to collaborative research projects and proposals that are oriented around the follow themes:
1. Human Capital, Employment, Structural Change
2. Innovation, Entrepreneurship
3. Global Economic Integration
4. Financial Development
5. Strategies, Firms, Markets
6. Organizational Behavior, Consumer Behavior
The Institute also particularly welcomes proposals that contribute to ongoing Institute’s research initiatives on the following topics: One-belt, One-road; Digital Economy.
To apply, faculty should prepare a proposal that includes a completed grant proposal form (download link below) and no more than 3 pages of text per HKUST Principal Investigator (not including references, single-spaced, 12-point font) that discusses the relevance of the project to challenges facing emerging markets, the research methodology (or tentative workshop program), and justifications for the budget. Please send your applications including all the required documents to email before application deadline. The IEMS Executive Committee will evaluate all applications and may request relevant experts (either inside or outside the university) to independently assess applications. If the nature of the research is such that a review is required by any of the University Research Ethics/Safety Committee Panels, appropriate approvals must be completed before awards can be confirmed.
IEMS Research Grant Guidelines
IEMS Research Grant Proposal Form (2017)
For enquiries, please contact IEMS staff at 3469 2215 or
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