The Institute announced that its Faculty Associates have elected two new members into its Executive Committee. Prof Jean Hong (SOSC) and Kira Matus (PPOL/SOSC/ENVR) will replace Prof Stuart Gietel-Basten (PPOL/SOSC) and Guojun He (ECON/SOSC/ENVR) on a two-year term with effect from December 2019. During the same period the appointed member is Prof Yanzhen Chen (ISOM).
The Executive Committee approves all major decisions concerning the Institute’s budget, research grants, and activities. It consists of 7 members, including the Director (ex officio), Associate Director (ex officio), 4 elected members (serving alternating 2-year terms) and one member appointed by the Director to a one-year term (renewable, max 2 years) to ensure balance across fields in the composition of the Executive Committee. Elected members completing 2-year terms also are ineligible for re-election, and become eligible again after one year.
See the full list of the executive committee here.
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IAS 2018 -2020
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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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