Webinar by ADB on COVID-19, Technology, and Polarizing Jobs


COVID-19 is driving economies into recession, putting many jobs at risk. Up to 242 million full-time jobs could be lost globally, with 70% of these in Asia and the Pacific. Informal employees in vulnerable sectors will be hard hit and many middle-skilled workers face being displaced into lower paying work. The pandemic will also spur a digital transformation of work and the workplace.  


This webinar was organized by the Asian Development Bank 

Watch Video Recording


Opening Remarks:
Ramesh Subramaniam
Director General, Southeast Asia Department (SERD), Asian Development Bank (ADB)

COVID-19, Technology, and Polarizing Jobs
Cyn-Young Park
Director, Economic and Region

Sameer Khatiwada
Technology and Innovation Specialist (Social Sectors), SERD, ADB

Panel Discussion:
Moderator:   Ramesh Subramaniam 

Albert Francis Park
Head of Department and Chair Professor of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; 
Special Advisor to HKUST Institute for Emerging Markets Studies

Piotr Lewandowski
President of the Board, Institute for Structural Research (IBS), Warsaw

ADB related materials: ADB Brief and Blog

More information about the event and other events in the series at https://aric.adb.org/rcipod/covid-19-technology-and-polarizing-jobs

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