Caixin Express: Has the Independent Admission System in China Selected Better Students?

This is a research conducted by Prof. Wu Xiaogang from SOSC in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Prof. Li Zhonglu from Shenzhen University on the independent admission system of higher institutions in China. They mainly studied two questions in this research: what group can benefit from favorable scoring in the independent admission system and has this system selected better students.

They used the data of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University in China in CSDPS and classified the students into four types: average regularly-enrolled students (whose Gaokao scores are below the average score), excellent regularly-enrolled students ( whose Gaokao scores are at or above the average score), exceptionally-enrolled students ( whose Gaokao scores are below the average score but are admitted due to the favorable scoring in the independent admission system), and first-class students ( whose Gaokao scores are at or above the average score but still enjoyed the favorable scoring in the independent admission system).

They found that students with better family backgroud have access to favorable scoring in the independent admission system more easily, and the students who enjoyed favorable scoring did not perform better in academe, practical skills, non-cognitive abilities, or career prospects than  regularly-enrolled students.

Read the original article 研究:自主招生选拔出更优秀的学生了吗?

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