In order to improve economy of Xinjiang province, Chinese government required wealthiest provinces and cities to invest a part of their budgets in a “pairing assistance” programme. Beijing and Shanghai invested about $8.5 billion by the end of 2015 but economic gap between the province and the rest of China has only increased. Ambitious projects to improve economic conditions and build new “cities” have not shown positive results.
IEMS’ Jean Hong told Daily Mail that these projects cannot satisfy local population’ needs in combination with fears that violence can hinder development.
Despite of all the difficulties, there still might be a chance for the province to prosper as it plays a big role in the One Belt One Road initiative.
Read full article here Ghost cities haunt stability dream in far west China
This story was also featured in Borneo Bulletin newspaper and is available here Ghost cities haunt stability dream in far west China
Photo: AFP
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IAS 2018 -2020
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