China Review News Agency: CEPA and the Belt and Road


Edwin Lai, Faculty Associate of HKUST IEMS and Professor of Economics at HKUST, was featured in two articles by China Review News Agency. The first article contained his opinion about the imbalanced cooperation and integration between the Mainland and Hong Kong. Prof. Lai thinks that several aspects such as unemployment, education, and profit sharing should be addressed by the government in that sector.

In the second article, Prof Lai discussed benefits from One Belt One Road initiative for China and other participating countries although risks are also involved. He added that Hong Kong’s business community is taking a wait-and-see position at the moment.

Read full articles (Chinese only) 中評深度專訪:黎麟祥談經濟發展與財富分配 and 黎麟祥語中評:參與一帶一路 港府莫憑口講

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