SCMP: S. Koreans Confident Kim Doesn’t Want Destruction, Suggests Choi

South Koreans don't seem to be disturbed by the potential war between two Koreas, writes Joon Nak Choi, faculty associate at the IEMS at HKUST, in the South China Morning Post. "

I saw no hint of panic during my trips to Seoul in late March and mid-April," says Choi, "Seoul residents were more focused on the then-upcoming presidential election rather than the possibility of war." Not only are Koreans not rushing to leave the country, but the number of Korean immigrants to the US—a popular destination—has decreased for the first time since 2006.

Choi speculates that there are several reasons for this strangely calm behavior. Potentially, South Koreans realize that their country has a big technological advantage and US on their side as a supporter. They also believe that both South and North Korea won't risk to destroy each other.

However, Choi also asks what if the chances of war is being underestimated?

Read full article here South Koreans are keeping calm, confident that not even Kim Jong-un wants mutual destruction

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Photo: KCNA

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