Jobs and Development Conference 2020


Following the success of the 2016, 2018 and 2019 Jobs and Development Conferences in Washington DC and Bogotá, the World Bank, IZA (the Institute of Labor Economics), the Network on Jobs and Development and UNU-WIDER are organizing a follow up conference focused on “Development for Better Jobs.” The conference will be held online on September 1-4.

The four-day conference will feature keynote speeches, a policy panel, and about 80 paper presentations. Except for the keynote speeches, each session will last around one hour and consist of six presentations, including time for questions and answers. Presentations are planned to be 10 minutes long flash-talks with three slides. There will be three or four sessions each day scheduled accordingly to the time zones of speakers.

Responding to the ongoing pandemic, we are announcing an additional call for papers. We are interested in papers that focus on the impact of theCOVID-19 pandemic on labour market outcomes, occupational health and development.   

To attend the conference

If you would like to attend the conference as a guest please register using this formPlease select the right time zone. The first session of the program starts at 5pm 1 September 2020.  

You can download the full conference program here.

Any queries can be emailed to IZA Senior Event Manager Ms. Viola Hartmann at

Visit the conference's website


IZA - Institute of Labor Economics - Gary Fields and Ahmed Elsayed
The World Bank - Ian Walker, Indhira Santos and Javier Sánchez-Reaza
The Network on Jobs and Development (NJD)* - Piotr Lewandowski and Albert Park
UNU-WIDER - Kunal Sen and Sam Jones

* A partnership of five research institutes from various regions of the world: Development Policy Research Unit at University of Cape Town (DPRU, South Africa), HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies (HKUST IEMS, Hong Kong), Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER, India), Institute for Structural Research (IBS, Poland) and Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA).

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