A few days before the HKSAR Establishment Day celebration, IEMS Faculty Associate David Zweig shared his opinion about Hong Kong society division for the article published by the Voice of America. It was written that although a big celebration was planned, not everyone was happy about it.
After Hong Kong was returned to China, the principle "one country, two systems" was imposed. However, many people consider current situation as "one country, 1.5 systems". Beijing's strengthening control over Hong Kong ranging from detaining Hong Kong booksellers spreading unwanted on Mainland political literature to initiating patriotic education in Hong Kong schools causes many concerns among HKSAR's population.
Professor Zweig mentioned that different political views can cause instability in Hong Kong. He added:"People like living in a free society, and they want their kids to live in a free society."
Read full article here: One Hong Kong, Two Sentiments After 20 Years of Chinese Rule. This story appeared in two other Chinese media outlets: 主權移交20年 香港人失去慶祝心情 and 主權移交20年 香港人失去慶祝心情.
[Bio] David Zweig
[Media Coverage] Chinese use censorship and propaganda to dominate political narrative in Xinjiang region, says IEMS’ David Zweig to the Associated Press
Photo: Reuters
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